Sunday, February 21, 2010

Status Update

So I survived my run today. Barely. At one point I was willing myself to go ahead and die. I'm not afraid of death and I am looking forward to going to heaven one day. How many miles did I run? One. Yes- one mile. It took me 22 minutes and it was a good mix of walking and running. Are you supposed to have a headache after you run? Is that normal? If it is, then why do people run? It started out ok- I took Scout's ipod with me (since I don't own one). I turned it on and started going. Miley Cyrus and the Hoedown Throwdown was the first song I heard....not a bad way to start even though I don't like her music- the beat was there and I was running to a rhythm.
I didn't have a big audience- thankfully. I went to Mauldin Middle School by my house and only a couple of people were there. One woman caught my eye- she was tanning herself in the baseball field. I passed her every so often and she kept staring at me and I was staring back at her. She brought her own lounge chair and a book and wore long pants and a tank top. It was weird because it was only 45 degrees outside. And the sun was out but who does that? I didn't think people tanned outside in the winter. Odd.....
So- Scout starts her running program tomorrow and I feel like I am one step ahead of her since I can jog a mile. :)

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