Monday, February 22, 2010

Circus Time

I love the circus! I take the kids every year and we always have a blast. This year was no exception. It was even better than last year because Dylan is 2.5 years old and really got what the show was all about. If you are a parent you know that kids say the funniest things at the most random times. Scout informed me while we were there that she wanted to join the circus as a "Circus Girl". She wanted to play with all the animals and paint the elephant's toe nails before each performance. She wanted to make sure they were not underfed, abused, and caged up all the the protestors outside the Bi-Lo Center said they were. She was really concerned about the well-being of the animals which I thought was very sweet.
Dylan had a great time until the last act. He melted down pretty quickly. He was too excited to eat his dinner because he wanted to hurry to see the circus. Around 9:30pm he told me he wanted a burrito.......and all the concessions were closed. I told him he had to wait until we got home to eat and that did not sit well with him. He completely freaked out and stood up and just screamed at the top of his lungs. I told him to stop and he looked at me and pointed his finger and said-"I will spank you on your bottom!" I wanted to laugh so hard but I knew I couldn't. I picked him up and grabbed our things and we left right then. Can't wait to see what next year's show brings.

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