Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Yike It

Here are just a few snippets of things that make me smile:

-Dylan's lisp. Everything he says is cuter than if he spoke normally. He should sell grape juice. He gets this wide-eyed look on his face and says- "I Yike It!". It always makes me smile.

-The Tom and Kayla Variety Show. Starring Scout and Dylan. Scout came up with this idea a few nights ago and they perform nightly in the bathtub. Scout doesn't get in the bath with Dylan (she is too old and is afraid of boy parts). I came into the bathroom on Monday night and Scout had Dylan standing in the tub completely covered in green foam soap except for his "area". They performed several songs and a play at the end. It was hysterical! Dylan even had a solo stand-up comedy bit where he made Thomas and Percy (his favorite trains) talk to each other and crash into each other at the end. I love the imagination of children!!! It really makes my night.

-The way Scout and Dylan play with each other. This is only getting better. Scout is just now ok with letting Dylan into her things. He recently stopped trying to trash all her belongings so I see some trust building between the two of them. I think it is so sweet to watch Dylan play Barbie's and say things like-"I like your dress Malone" and to hear Scout say- "I am going to crash you!" when playing trains. If we could always live this harmoniously...........

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